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Opis produktu
ISBN: 978-83-8291-182-4
417 stron
format: A5
oprawa: twarda
Rok wydania: 2023

International Human Rights Law jest kompleksowym opracowaniem z zakresu praw człowieka i środków ich ochrony. System praw człowieka jest normatywnym wyrazem ochrony godności osoby ludzkiej. Jako jeden z filarów demokratycznego państwa prawa jest on praktycznym mechanizmem. Prawa człowieka, z uwagi na ich uniwersalizm, stanowią wspólne dziedzictwo prawne ludzkości, którego stosujący prawo nie mogą pominąć.

International Human Rights Law is a comprehensive study on human rights law and policy, and the measures for their protection. As human rights are deeply rooted in human being‘s dignity, they are the essence of democracy. For this reason they should always be respected and protected.


List of Abbreviations
Chapter I. Conceptual framework and˙general principles of human rights
ő1. Conceptual framework
I. History of human rights
II. Definition of human rights
III. Human rights vs human freedom
IV. Human rights and public international law
ő2. Dignity as a source of human rights
I. Inherent dignity
II. Personal dignity
ő3. Protected entities
I. System of human rights as a normative model of˙protection
of individual rights
II. Protection of the rights of legal persons, collectivities
and states in the human rights system
1. Protection of the rights of legal persons in the human
rights system
2. Protection of the rights of collectivities and states
in the human rights system
III. Subjects with special protection in the system of human rights 36
1. Protection of children‘s rights
2. Protection of women‘s rights
3. Protection of the rights of prisoners and detainees
4. Protection of the rights of people with disabilities
5. Protection of the rights of other categories of people
ő4. General principles of human rights
I. The generations of human rights
II. Vertical and horizontal impact of human rights
III. The concept of the margin of discretion
IV. Specifics of interpretation of norms in the human rights
International Human Rights Law
V. Human rights limitation clauses
VI. General principles of the derogation of human rights
Chapter II. Normative system of human rights protection
ő5. The universal system of human rights protection
I. The UN system of protecting human rights
II. Other global systems of human rights protection
1. International Criminal Court
2. World Trade Organisation
3. Global non-governmental organisations
3.1. Amnesty International
3.2. International Federation for Human Rights
3.3. Human Rights Watch
ő6. Regional systems of human rights protection
I. Inter-American protection of human rights
II. African protection of human rights
III. Arab-Muslim protection of human rights
IV. International protection of human
ő7. The European system of human rights protection
I. Human rights protection in the Council of˙Europe
II. Human rights protection in˙the˙European˙Union
1. Evolution of the approach to the protection of human
and fundamental rights in the EU
2. Treaty sources relating to the protection of human rights
in the EU
3. Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
III. Human Rights Protection in the system of˙CSCE/OSCE
ő8. Domestic system of human rights protection
I. Constitutional system of human rights protection
1. System of protection of human rights as subjective
2. System of protection of human rights in the Constitution
of˙the˙Republic of Poland
II. System of protection of human rights in˙specific˙statutes
1. Acts on the Constitutional Court
2. Act on the Supreme Court
3. Act on the Commissioner for Citizens‘ Rights
4. Act on the Commissioner for Children‘s Rights
III. Provisions against the excessive length of proceedings
IV. Guarantees for the protection of individual rights
Table of Contents
Chapter III. Bodies and measures for˙the˙protection of human rights
ő9. Bodies and measures for the protection of human rights
in the universal system
I. Human rights bodies in the universal system
II. Measures for the protection of human rights in˙the˙universal
ő10. Bodies and measures for the protection of human rights
in regional systems
I. Human rights bodies in the inter-American system of human
rights protection
II. Human rights bodies in the African human rights protection
III. Activities of the League of Arab States in the area of˙human
ő11. Bodies and measures for the protection of human rights
in the European system
I. Human rights protection bodies in the system of˙the˙Council
of Europe
II. Measures for the protection of human rights in˙the˙system
of the Council of Europe
III. Human rights protection bodies in the European Union
1. Court of Justice of the European Union
2. The European Ombudsman
3. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
IV. Measures for the protection of human rights in˙the˙European
Union system
1. Judicial remedies for the protection of human rights
2. Non-judicial measures for the protection of human
2.1. Right to submit complaints and requests
to the European Ombudsman
2.2. Right to petition the European Parliament
ő12. Bodies and measures for the protection of human rights
in the Organization for Security and Co-operation
ő13. Domestic human rights bodies and measures
I. Constitutional bodies and measures for the protection
of human rights
1. Organisation and composition of the Constitutional
Court in˙the˙Constitution of the Republic of Poland
International Human Rights Law
2. Organisation of other human rights protection bodies
in˙the˙Constitution of the Republic of Poland
3. Measures for the protection of human rights provided
for˙in˙the˙Constitution of the Republic of Poland
II. Organisation of human rights protection bodies in˙specific
1. Composition of the Constitutional Court
2. Chamber for Extraordinary Review and Public Affairs
of˙the˙Supreme Court
3. The Commissioner for Citizens‘ Rights
4. The Commissioner for Children‘s Rights
III. Measures for the protection of human rights
1. Constitutional complaint
2. Request for a review of constitutionality or addressing
a˙question˙of˙law about compatibility with
the Constitution of˙the˙Republic of˙Poland
3. Notification by the Constitutional Court to the Sejm
and Senate and other law-making bodies of the existence
of deficiencies and˙loopholes in the law
4. Extraordinary complaint
5. Action for excessive length of proceedings
6. Initiation of proceedings before the Commissioner
for Citizens‘ Rights and the Commissioner for
the Children‘s Rights
7. Measures revoking a final and binding decision that
is contrary to˙human rights
Chapter IV. International Humanitarian˙Law
ő14. International humanitarian law and˙human˙rights
ő15. Sources of international humanitarian law
ő16. Applicability of international humanitarian law
ő17. Responsibility for war crimes, crimes against humanity
and genocide
Chapter V. Protection of the rights of national minorities, migrants
ő18. Protection of the rights of national minorities
I. Protection of the rights of national minorities in˙the˙universal
II. Protection of the rights of national minorities in˙the˙European
ő19. Protecting the rights of refugees and migrants
Table of Contents
I. Normative sources of protection of the rights of refugees
and migrants
II. Protection of the rights of refugees
III. Protection of the rights of migrant workers
Chapter VI. Substantive rights
ő20. Personal human rights
I. Protection of the physical integrity of the individual
in˙the human rights system
1. Right to life and right to health
1.1. Right to life
1.2. Right to health
2. The issue of permissible limitations on the right
to life and human right to health
II. Protection of individuality and interactions of˙the˙individual
in the human rights system
1. Right to freedom of conscience and religion
2. Right to respect for privacy, family life, housing
and correspondence
3. Freedom of expression
4. Right to marry and start a family
5. Right to freedom of assembly and association
5.1. Freedom of assembly
5.2. Freedom of association
ő21. System of human rights safeguards against the exercise
of the imperium of the state
I. Right to liberty and security of a person
1. Universal and regional standards of right to liberty
and˙security˙of person
2. Right to liberty and security of the person in˙the˙European
3. Procedural guarantees for persons remaining in detention
II. Right to a fair trial
1. Essential standards of the right to a fair trial
2. European standard for the right to a fair trial
3. Scope of the right to a fair trial
4. General guarantees of a fair trial
4.1. Right of access to court
4.2. Right to an open, public hearing by an impartial
and independent court or tribunal
4.3. Right to a fair hearing of the case
International Human Rights Law
4.4. Right to a trial within a reasonable time
5. Special guarantees of the right to a fair trial applicable
III. Evolution of the impact of protection of the human right
to property in the system of human rights
ő22. Prohibition as a negative instrument of˙the˙normative model
for the protection of˙individual rights
I. Prohibition on punishment without legal basis
II. Prohibition on torture, inhuman and˙degrading˙treatment
III. Prohibition on slavery and forced labour
1. Prohibition on slavery and servitude
2. Prohibition of forced labour
3. Prohibition on undignified working conditions
IV. Prohibition on discrimination

Kod wydawnictwa: 978-83-8291-182-4

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