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Wydawnictwo: C.H.BECK

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Opis produktu
ISBN: 978-83-8291-142-8
239 stron
format: A5
oprawa: twarda
Rok wydania: 2022

W monografii autorzy podejmują problematykę asymetrii informacji jako zjawiska towarzyszącego zróżnicowanym działaniom organów administracji publicznej.

Dostrzeżono deficyty informacyjne w takich obszarach funkcjonowania administracji publicznej, jak: planowanie przestrzenne, zamówienia publiczne, kontraktualizacja usług publicznych, edukacja publiczna, pomoc społeczna, transformacja energetyczno-klimatyczna. Deficyty informacyjne oraz koszty pozyskiwania informacji obecne są także w procedurach administracyjnych zmierzających do załatwienia przez organ administracji publicznej indywidualnej sprawy jednostki w formie decyzji administracyjnej, kształtującej w sposób władczy i jednostronny sytuację prawną jej adresata.

Autorzy monografii odnoszą pojęcie asymetrii informacji zwłaszcza do relacji występujących między administracją publiczną a obywatelami i do wynikających stąd implikacji dla nich. Obywatele znajdują się w mniej uprzywilejowanej pozycji względem organów administracji publicznej w zakresie posiadanych przez siebie informacji na temat działań organów w poszczególnych obszarach ich funkcjonowania wyznaczanych prawem przedmiotowym.

Monografia stanowi pierwszą polską, tak kompleksową publikację, skoncentrowaną na zagadnieniach asymetrii informacji, która obecna jest w jakże zróżnicowanej i wieloaspektowej aktywności administracji publicznej.



About the Authors

Part I. The Multi-Dimensional Nature of Asymmetric Information
in Public Administration - From Clear Answers to Difficult

Chapter 1. The Administrative Perspective on the Asymmetry
of Information (Piotr Lisowski)
1. Introduction - systemic conditions/signum temporis
2. Information needs of public administration as a topos
of the legal order
3. The evidentiary context of the information needs of public
4. Information deficits of public administration as a determinant of
a legal institution - example from the Act on Social Welfare
5. The problem of the objective lack of evidence (a brief mention)
6. Conclusions

Chapter 2. Computerization of Public Administration
and the Implications for Information Asymmetry (Jolanta Blicharz, Lidia Zacharko)
1. Introduction
2. Is the progressing computerization a response to the threats of
information asymmetry?
3. Conclusions

Chapter 3. Information Asymmetry and Obligation of Public Officers
to Submit Asset Declarations (Jan Gola)
1. Introduction
2. Transparency of asset declarations
3. Officers submitting asset declarations and their content
4. Deadlines and procedure for submitting asset declarations
5. Conclusions

Chapter 4. Asymmetry of Information between Central and Local
Government using the Example of the Operation of the Joint Central
and Local Government Commission (Justyna Przedańska)
1. Introduction
2. Status and nature of the Commission
3. Fighting a losing battle, namely the JCLGC‘s activities in 2015-2020
4. Conclusions

Chapter 5. Information Asymmetry in the Municipality (Jolanta Behr)
1. Introduction
2. The municipality - general remarks
3. Selected examples of information asymmetry
3.1. Information asymmetry in external relations
3.2. Information asymmetry in internal relations
3.2.1. Information asymmetry from the point of view of the
municipality‘s bodies
3.2.2. Information asymmetry from the point of view of the
municipality‘s residents
4. Conclusions

Chapter 6. Information Asymmetry in Spatial Planning and Zoning
(Justyna Mielczarek-Mikołajów)
1. Introduction
2. Information asymmetry
3. Principle of information and openness in public administration
4. Access to information in the law on spatial planning and zoning
5. Information asymmetry in planning and zoning
6. Conclusions

Part II. Different Dimensions of Asymmetric Information in Social
Welfare Administration and Public Education - How Many Dimensions
Are There?

Chapter 7. Information Asymmetry in Social Welfare (Dominika Cendrowicz)
1. Introduction
2. Social welfare as an area where information asymmetry appears in
public administration
3. Causes of information asymmetry in social welfare
4. Methods of reducing information asymmetry in administrative
proceedings with regard to social welfare benefits
5. The role of e-government in reducing information asymmetry
in social welfare
6. Conclusions

Chapter 8. Information Asymmetry in Public Education - Selected
Topics (Renata Raszewska-Skałecka)
1. Education service activity of schools vs. the COVID-19 epidemic
2. Remote education methods and techniques vs. the COVID-19
3. Conclusions

Part III. Asymmetric Information in Communication between Public
Administration and Entrepreneurs

Chapter 9. Information Asymmetry in Public Commercial Law
(Karol Kiczka)
1. Introduction
2. Business activity in the social market economy
3. Business activity and an individual ruling on tax law
4. Conclusions

Chapter 10. Recommending Norms as a Ref lection of Information
Asymmetry between the Public Authority and Entrepreneurs
(Witold Małecki)
1. Introduction
2. The importance of information asymmetry to the establishment of
recommending norms
3. Recommending norms as an element of two-tier structures of legal
4. Recommending norms in the context of the constitutional principle
of the social market economy
5. Conclusions

Chapter 11. Asymmetry of Information between Players on
the Energy Market in Conditions of Energy Transformation
(Agnieszka Chrisidu-Budnik, Jerzy Korczak)
1. Introduction
2. Origin of the concept of information asymmetry
3. Significance of the phenomenon of asymmetry of information
to energy transformation activities
3.1. Information asymmetry from the point of view of the
category of market players
3.2. Actions to change the information asymmetry
4. Conclusions

Part IV. Asymmetric Information and Outsourcing Processes in Public

Chapter 12. Asymmetry of Information in Public Procurement
(Tadeusz Kocowski)
1. Introduction
2. Procurement procedure with a value equal to or exceeding the EU
3. Authority conducting the proceedings
4. Contractors
5. Conclusions

Chapter 13. The Problem of Information Asymmetry in Awarding
Public Contracts (Krzysztof Horubski)
1. Introduction
2. Problem of conf licting interests of participants on the public
procurement market
3. Problem of the abuse of information asymmetry and restrictions
on contractual freedom in public procurement law
4. Information asymmetry in the case of bid-rigging
5. Conclusions

Chapter 14. Asymmetry of Information on Personal Data Protection
in the Requirement of Employment in the Public Procurement Law
(Michał Raduła)
1. Introduction
2. Asymmetry of information
3. A contractor‘s obligation to employ staff on an employment contract
in public procurement
4. Inequality of information held by the contracting authority and
the contractor regarding the obligation of employment on an
employment relationship
5. Conclusions

Part V. Identifying Asymmetric Information Challenges in European
(National) Public Administration Procedures

Chapter 15. Procedures for Counteracting Administrative
Information Asymmetry in the Polish Administrative Procedure Code
(Jerzy Supernat)
1. Introduction
2. The Polish Administrative Procedure Code
3. The principle of objective truth
4. The principle of resolving interpretative (and factual) doubts
in favor of the party
5. The principle of increasing trust
6. The principle of certainty
7. The principle of providing information
8. The principle of active participation of the parties in every stage
of the proceedings
9. The principle of explaining the grounds for settling the matter
10. The principle of enabling the offices of the bodies of public
administration to be assessed
11. Conclusions

Chapter 16. Reduction of Asymmetry in Access to Information
in European Union Administrative Procedures
(Łukasz Prus)
1. Introduction
2. The right to a defense
3. The right of access to the file
4. The right to be heard
5. Duty to give reasons
6. Conclusions

Chapter 17. Asymmetry in the Examination of a Case in Administrative
and Administrative Court Proceedings
(Krzysztof Sobieralski)
1. Introduction - the nature of administrative proceedings
2. The concept of a party to administrative proceedings
3. Administrative decision-making in the course of administrative
4. The role and the nature of court-administrative proceedings
5. Conclusions

Chapter 18. The Principle of Providing Information and the
Participation of an Interpreter in Administrative Proceedings
(Karolina Kulińska-Jachowska)
1. Introduction
2. The principle of providing information in Polish administrative
3. Provision of information and official language
4. The scope of interpretation in administrative proceedings - right
or obligation?
5. Conclusions

Chapter 19. An Administrative Decision on the Temporary Seizure
of Real Estate as an Example of Information Asymmetry in Public
Administration (Małgorzata Kozłowska)
1. Information asymmetry - concept
2. Reasons for asymmetry of information in public administration
3. A diverse collection of information of the entities of the
administrative law relationship regarding the temporary seizure
of real estate as a sign of information asymmetry in public
4. Conclusions

Kod wydawnictwa: 978-83-8291-142-8

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